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Empowering Christian Businesswomen
Through Biblical Wisdom



Are you a Christian businesswoman striving to lead your organization or team with wisdom, integrity, and strength? Do you seek to weave your faith into the very fabric of your professional life? Welcome to The Proverbs 31 Club – a sanctuary where your faith and business can thrive together!

Hello, My Sister!

Please Accept My Invitation To Transform Your Life And Business With Timeless Biblical Principles.

Join Our Community Of Like-Minded Christian Businesswomen
On A Journey Through The Principles of Proverbs 31!

Mentorship with Sharon Gill

Key Benefits:


Go deeper with God, even as your soul and your business prosper. Create the professional and family life God called you to experience. 


Network and grow with fellow Christian businesswomen. Build lifelong friendships and partnerships. 


Gain exclusive access to a supportive Facebook group for continuous learning, guest appearances, and surprise bonuses.

Detailed Program Outline:

 Twenty-Four Bi-Monthly Sessions 

 Wednesdays at 8:00 AM EST or Thursdays at 11:00 AM EST 

1. Introduction to Proverbs 31: Unveiling the Virtuous Woman
   - Understand the historical and spiritual context of Proverbs 31.
   - Discuss how its principles are relevant to modern Christian business women.

2. Faithfulness in Action: Integrating Faith into Business Practices
   - Explore practical ways to incorporate faith into daily business decisions.
   - Discuss examples of ethical business practices rooted in Christian values.

3. Strength and Dignity: Building a Resilient Business Identity
   - Understand the importance of resilience and dignity in business.
   - Strategies for maintaining integrity in challenging business environments.

4. Wisdom in Speech: Effective Communication in Business
   - Learn the art of wise and effective communication with clients and employees.
   - Discuss how Proverbs 31 guides us in conflict resolution and negotiation.

5. Love and Marriage: Balancing Business and Family Life
   - Explore strategies for balancing a successful business with a fulfilling family life.
   - Discuss the role of support systems in achieving this balance.

6. Motherhood and Leadership: Nurturing Your Team
   - Draw parallels between motherhood principles and nurturing a business team.
   - Discuss leadership styles that promote growth and well-being.

7. Financial Wisdom: Stewardship in Business Finances
   - Understand biblical principles of stewardship and apply them to business finances.
   - Strategies for budgeting, investing, and financial planning in business.

8. Hard Work and Diligence: Fostering a Strong Work Ethic
   - Discuss the value of hard work and diligence in growing a business.
   - Share tips on productivity and maintaining a strong work ethic.

9. Kindness and Compassion: Building a Supportive Business Culture
   - Explore the impact of kindness and compassion on business culture and client relations.
   - Strategies for creating a positive and supportive work environment.

10. Caring for the Home: Work-Life Integration
    - Discuss the challenges and strategies for managing home responsibilities alongside business commitments.
    - Share tips for efficient time management and prioritization.

11. Entrepreneurship and Creativity: Leveraging Your Unique Talents
    - Explore how to harness creativity and entrepreneurship in line with Proverbs 31 principles.
    - Discuss ways to innovate and stay competitive in the market.

12. Physical and Mental Health: Self-Care for Business Success
    - Understand the importance of personal health for long-term business success.
    - Discuss strategies for maintaining physical and mental well-being.

13. Spiritual Growth: Deepening Your Faith as a Business Leader
    - Explore ways to deepen your spiritual life amidst business responsibilities.
    - Share practices for integrating prayer and devotion into a busy schedule.

14. Community Involvement: Making an Impact Beyond Business
    - Discuss the importance of community involvement and social responsibility.
    - Share ideas for community projects and philanthropy.

15. Building Networks: Fostering Meaningful Business Relationships
    - Explore the value of networking and relationship-building in business.
    - Discuss how to create and maintain meaningful business connections.

16. Overcoming Challenges: Resilience in Business
    - Strategies for dealing with challenges and setbacks in business.
    - Share testimonies of resilience and faith in difficult times.

17. Lifelong Learning: Continuous Growth as a Businesswoman
    - Discuss the importance of continual learning and development in business.
    - Share resources and strategies for personal and professional growth.

18. Honoring Partnerships: Ethical Business Collaborations
    - Explore how to build and maintain ethical business partnerships.
    - Discuss the role of trust and integrity in collaborations.

19. Leadership with Purpose: Guiding Your Business with Vision
    - Discuss the role of vision and purpose in guiding your business.
    - Share strategies for setting and achieving business goals aligned with your faith.

20. Service and Volunteerism: The Heart of Christian Entrepreneurship
    - Explore the importance of service and volunteerism in business.
    - Share opportunities and experiences in incorporating service into business models.

21. Prayerful Decision-Making: Seeking Divine Guidance in Business
    - Discuss the role of prayer in business decision-making.
    - Share experiences and tips for seeking divine guidance in business matters.

22. Balancing Priorities: Seeking Harmony in Business and Personal Life
    - Strategies for balancing the various demands of business and personal life.
    - Discuss how to seek harmony and avoid burnout.

23. Wise Planning: Strategic Thinking for Future Growth
    - Discuss the importance of strategic planning and foresight in business.
    - Share biblical principles and practical tips for future business planning.

24. Reflecting and Celebrating: Acknowledging Growth and Success
    - Reflect on the lessons learned and achievements in business.
    - Celebrate growth and set visions for future business endeavors.

Ready to dive into these enriching topics?
Join Now!

Early Bird Discount

Proverbs 31 Club



Every month

Perfect for Christian Businesswomen looking to integrate godly principles in their work

Valid for 12 months

Bi-weekly discussions, hot seat coaching, networking,

Private Facebook Group, discount ticket to annual conference

Guest presenters, one-hour private coaching with Sharon

Flexible Meeting Schedule


Allison Perry

I had the honor and privilege to work with Sharon Gill as my professional coach for approximately two years. Sharon is a powerhouse of knowledge, skill, integrity, and deep faith. I was amazed by how much I and my organization grew during the course of our work together. I could always count on Sharon to be direct but tactful, challenging but compassionate, and skilled in her assessment of my organization and its needs, all the while promoting and encouraging my professional and personal growth. I am blessed to remain in touch with Sharon and continue to be inspired by her example. She is the kind of leader, executive, and woman of faith I aspire to be. 


Beth Crosby

Sharon and I met awhile ago via LinkedIn, and immediately I felt a connection. She sent me her G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. Woman Bible study, and I realized she has an understanding of God's word and how to apply it to our lives today! After we got to know each other a little better, I asked her to be my coach because she is faith-based, and I need that in my life. She agreed and has empowered me through her 1:1 coaching, advice, resources, and by introducing me to other women who share the same values. Were it not for Sharon, I would be the same place today I was in December. She is kind and patient while providing wise advice from a successful business background. I recommend her highly!

Brigitte Sylvestre

Sharon is an amazing mentor and friend. She has the ability to see the best in people, more than they can often see in themselves, and call you to a higher version of yourself. Sharon has encouraged me, challenged me, prayed for me and refused to give up on me! her resources, like the Confidence Course, has helped me climb higher in my calling and will do the same for you!


Sharon Gill

Meet Your Facilitator Sharon Gill

Sharon is a gifted leader and strategist who specializes in building organizations (public and private) from the ground up. For more than 30 years, Sharon has leveraged values-based leadership principles to enable fast-growth organizations to identify, nurture, and accomplish purpose-centered visions. Sharon works to create company cultures and visions where team members are developed, empowered, and freed to innovate.

She has proven expertise working with executive teams in the private sector and nonprofit Boards in the areas of Board development, succession planning, fund-raising, and leadership development. She’s been recognized by The American Red Cross as a Good Samaritan for her nonprofit leadership work, Bank of America, Local Heroes Award and The Women’s Chamber of Commerce, of Palm Beach County’s, Women in Leadership Award among many others. She has been featured regularly in magazines, and radio, and has made a few television appearances. She is passionate about women’s ministry and is the author of, “The GORGEOUS Woman,” a faith-based Bible study on how women can leverage their faith to reach their maximum potential. She is also the Founder of The Gorgeous Woman Movement which produces Bible studies, Mentoring Circles, Women’s Conferences, and more each year.

She is also a top leadership influencer on LinkedIn with over 150,000 followers on her pages. Her leadership videos, posts and insights receive multiple millions of views from around the globe, per year. She’s appeared in numerous magazines, podcasts, and television programs where she shares her leadership and organizational management expertise with the world.  Sharon was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in 2021 and is a breast cancer thriver.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the classes start?

The classes are on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 and 11:00 am, respectively, and are every other week.  Join anytime

Can I switch between classes?

Yes, you can, however we recommend that you stay with your co-hort to deepen those relationships.

Can I leave the club at anytime?

Yes, you can although we would prefer that you stay and help to build this community of Proverbs 31 warriors.

What if I miss a meeting?

All meetings will be recorded and can be viewed at your convenience.

How do I gain access to the Facebook Group?

You will receive a link to the Facebook Group upon receipt of your first payment, and before your first meeting.

Early Bird Discount

Proverbs 31 Club



Every month

Perfect for Christian Businesswomen looking to integrate godly principles in their work

Valid for 12 months

Bi-weekly discussions, hot seat coaching, networking,

Private Facebook Group, discount ticket to annual conference

Guest presenters, one-hour private coaching with Sharon

Flexible Meeting Schedule

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